What We Love!
​Are you ready to sell your gently used home goods? Consignment Crush is here to help. Our expert consignment tips and services make the process simple and stress-free. From start to finish, we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your items.Clean, spotless, and elevated home furnishings. We love....
Original Art, framed, all genres.
Mirrors.....and more mirrors.
Furniture: Sofas, chairs, chairs, side tables, night stands, and select other furniture.
Beautiful, non-faded and super clean lamps in working order.
Gold, silver, turquoise, and costume jewelry. Our in house team will look at your collection.
Elevated, beautiful glass. For stems and glasses, we accept sets of four or more.
Extra special and not so ordinary Christmas including nativities.
Most eclectic, vintage, or just awesome unique items.
Go to our Appointment Page to set up an appointment with our Jewelry Manager or Intake Manager.